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Our powerful
learning technology
boosts student outcomes

Boost's video collections and interactive learning pathways scaffold student learning and ensure institutions can provide around-the-clock tutorial support for their students

Video Library

Curated videos focused on engaging students and improving learning outcomes

Boost offers bite-sized video tutorials and practice questions with social-emotional measures, which may be used to scaffold learning and support students across higher education institutions. Our highly flexible content is optimized for adoption into tutoring and success centers, academic departments, and university libraries to provide math support for students.


Tested Pedagogy

Evidence-Based.  Learner-Centered.  Social-Emotional Learning.

Our tested pedagogy is based on the latest research in motivation, focus, and confidence - three factors we believe are crucial to sustained learning progress in difficult subjects. Our powerful, learner-centered video database is highly customizable and supports diverse learning styles and preferences. Our innovative course flow and live performance tracking dashboards ensure no student falls behind.

Boost by Proprep online learning platform pedagogy.
University student using laptop to view Boost math support content.

Quantitative Skills Challenges

Boost effectively addresses the multiple challenges students are facing in higher education at scale, to improve learning outcomes



Boost addresses the competency and confidence gaps that negatively impact student success. By improving student outcomes and satisfaction, Boost supports retention across STEM and social science disciplines. 




Boost removes the anxiety of ‘getting it wrong’ and improves student confidence through iterative practice.



Boost breaks down the learning process into bite-sized, achievable steps. As they refine their understanding, learners are encouraged by visible progress.  




Boost delivers content in a familiar, accessible, and engaging way. Our curation and approach to customization ensure learners receive the content relevant to your institution.

Curated Collections

Access our outstanding library of over 20,000 videos

The Boost platform is highly flexible to support diverse teaching styles and our curated collections are available for adoption by Subject or by Discipline. We can also create custom solutions for departments and institutions, or you can adapt our knowledge base to suit your curriculum. Our editable course playlists have been curated to optimize small wins and progression with AI-driven recommendations with an emphasis on engagement and building computational literacy.


We’re on a mission to boost the retention of students and improve student outcomes

At Boost, our mission is to ensure that no student loses motivation or leaves education because they were unable to access effective, relevant tutorial support when they needed it the most. 



Loved by educators.
Trusted by learners.

"Boost effectively addressed learning gaps, improving both the educational quality and students' preparedness"

Dr. Zoe Johnston

Program Lead MSc Clinical Embryology and IVF

University of Dundee
School of Medicine

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